Every year thousands of stray dogs in Romania are killed, captured and beaten or just left to starve to death.
Take for instance Sky. She was found living under a haystack in a field along with her other siblings and mother. Our volunteer in Romania managed to catch Sky and her siblings before the dog catchers got to them. Sky is one of the lucky ones. She will be found a new home in the UK through A Better Life Dog Rescue where she will be cared for and loved. The very sad fact is that many are not so lucky.
Another major problem in Romania is the Parvovirus. This is a particularly nasty virus and is a killer if not treated quickly. Parvovirus has a mortality rate of around 90% in puppies not vaccinated against the disease. It causes gastrointestinal tract damage and dehydration as well as a cardiac syndrome in very young pups. We provide the money to vaccinate these pups and any other street dogs we can capture and administer the vaccine to. This all costs money we are afraid and that is why we rely heavily on the good will and kind hearts of all human beings.
No matter how small or large an amount you can afford, all donations are very welcome and all monies goes towards veterinary treatment, food and shelter for these poor defenceless souls in Romania. If you can spare even a pound to help these poor dogs then please complete the donation form below. We thank you so much for your generosity and assure you we will continue to work as hard as we can to help as many of these lost souls as we can.