What is it and how can it help?
Are you one of the millions that search the internet using the main search engines like Google or Yahoo? Well why don’t you switch to Easy Search and whilst you are searching you will also be helping raise funds for A Better Life Dog Rescue.
For each search you make ½p is donated to A Better Life Dog Rescue which can be used for medical supplies, wormers, food and shelter for our dogs still in Romania.
By you searching just 15 times a day using Easy Search you can help raise £25 per year for A Better Life Dog Rescue without any hassle or donation required from yourself. The search results are powered by Yahoo, Bing and Ask to name a few. These will bring back the same results as Google or any other search engine but you are supporting our rescue at the same time.
So the next time you need to find something on the internet use our Easy Search located at http://abetterlifedogrescue.easysearch.org.uk and help us provide shelter, food, blankets and food for these poor dogs in Romania.
Whether you are shopping for your Christmas presents, buying your groceries, investing in that thing you have wanted for so long or buying that lovely present you promised someone, if you shop through Easy Fund Raising you can not only get large discounts with all the major brand names and stores but also help our rescue receive up to 15% of your purchase as a donation. It will never cost you a penny more to use Easy Fundraising to make your on-line purchases and in some cases will entitle you to discounts across the range of stores and brand names. With stores like Ebay, Comet, Tesco and M&S you are sure to find that gift you have been looking for to give to that loved one for that special occasion. There are over 2000 stores to choose from, each geared around what you want or need and by you shopping from Easy Fundraising you help the rescue cater for the poor dogs left in Romania in the cold winter months. What have you got to lose?